Wednesday, November 23, 2011

English Edition of the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (2015)

The Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals is promulgated by 10 ministries in accordance with Decree 591 Regulations on Safe Management of Hazardous Chemicals. It is an administrative license Catalogue which means that businesses that produce, import, distribute or use hazardous chemicals in the Catalogue are subject to license requirements (production license, operation license, safe use license, etc.)
The current Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals was issued in 2002 and contains more than 3,800 chemicals. A revised draft version was issued in 2013 and includes nearly 3,000 kinds of chemicals. Please note that the Catalogue includes both substances and mixtures. Some entries are generic entries matching a group of substances with similar hazard properties.
To access the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals, please click the links given below:

Definition of Hazardous Chemicals and Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals

In Decree 591, hazardous chemicals are defined as highly toxic chemicals and other chemicals which are toxic, corrosive, explosive, flammable and do harm to human body, facilities and environment. All chemicals meeting GHS hazard classification criteria may fall within its scope.
Among all hazardous chemicals placed on Chinese market, around 3000 chemicals have been prioritized and added to the Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals. Only businesses who handle hazardous chemicals in the Catalogue are subject to license requirements. In addition to that, hazardous chemicals in the Catalogue are subject to additional registration requirements under MEP order 22.

Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals and Compulsory GHS Classifications in China

For many chemicals listed in the Catalogue, the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) will publish their GHS classifications in a separate guidance document. Companies must use the classifications given in the guidance or more severe classifications to classify their chemicals and prepare SDSs and labels.
- See more here.

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